Eight core sectors record 3.1% growth in November output

Eight core sectors record 3.1% growth in November output

India’s output for eight core sectors grew by 3.1 percent in November 2021, data issued by the Ministry of Trade on December 31.

According to the Ministry, coal production, natural gas, refinery products, fertilizers, steel and electricity industries in November 2021 increased in the year-to-year. The output of the remaining two, crude oil and cement, were contracted by 2.2% and 3.2% respectively.

Previously in October 2021, the output for eight core sectors had grown by 7.5 percent.

During April-November from TA 2021-22, the growth rate of eight infrastructure sectors – coal, crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertilizers, steel, cement and electricity – reached 13.7 percent. These sectors recorded 11.1 percent negative growth during the last fiscal period.

Government data further stated that coal production rose 8.2 percent, natural gas was 23.7 percent, the refinery product was 4.3 percent, fertilizer by 2.5 percent, steel of 0.8 percent, and electricity in November 2021 .

The decline in the growth of the core sector in November 2021 signifies the problem for industrial growth rates for this month as eight core industries together accounted for 40.3% of the total weight of the industrial production index (IIP).

Industrial growth, based on IIP, fell to an eight-month low of 3.2 percent in October 2021. IIP data for November 2021 is scheduled to be released on January 12, 2022.

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