MoneyControl Pro Weekender | Praise from Mr. Chidambaram

MoneyControl Pro Weekender | Praise from Mr. Chidambaram

We have a union budget that flows out of our ears throughout the week. Maybe, the most interesting reaction comes from Minister of Finance P Chidambaram, who said it was “the most capitalist budget ever”. It was a big praise for Nirmala Sitharaman. However, strong growth was carried by capitalism and private companies that had caused millions to be saved from despair poverty both in India and China.

We would think that the tag for the most capitalist budget would best match the speech last year, when Sitharaman announced a private program of privatization and sales of public assets. This year’s speech is warm compared to.

But is this year budget completely different from led by Chidambaram when he is FM? To get a picture of it, we compared this year’s budget with 2012-13, when Chidambaram was FM.

Well, guess, allocation for health, agriculture, MSMEs, housing, and drinking water and sanitation, as a proportion of total budgets, lower in 2012-13 than budgeted in 2022-23. It doesn’t look very capitalist.

We have a union budget that flows out of our ears throughout the week. Maybe, the most interesting reaction comes from Minister of Finance P Chidambaram, who said it was “the most capitalist budget ever”. It was a big praise for Nirmala Sitharaman. However, strong growth was carried by capitalism and private companies that had caused millions to be saved from despair poverty both in India and China.

We would think that the tag for the most capitalist budget would best match the speech last year, when Sitharaman announced a private program of privatization and sales of public assets. This year’s speech is warm compared to.

But is this year budget completely different from led by Chidambaram when he is FM? To get a picture of it, we compared this year’s budget with 2012-13, when Chidambaram was FM.

Well, guess, allocation for health, agriculture, MSMEs, housing, and drinking water and sanitation, as a proportion of total budgets, lower in 2012-13 than budgeted in 2022-23. It doesn’t look very capitalist.

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