5 Best Ways to Sell ROBOTICS on Your Next App

5 Best Ways to Sell ROBOTICS on Your Next App

Here are 5 Best Ways to Sell ROBOTICS on Your Next App:

  1. Know the Process before You Start
  2. Get to Market Faster With Third-Party Integrations
  3. Visualize The Data For Your Customers In Real-Time And Understand Decisions Better Than They Can Make Them Themselves! 
  4. Assign Tasks Within A Task: It’s Not Just About Pushing Buttons – Let Robots Do What They Do Best! 
  5. Think beyond Push Buttons: Use Scenarios to Enhance User Experience & Brand Mastery

When you think about the word robot, what do you see?  Do you imagine a clunky machine that might be able to walk and take orders, or maybe give directions like in Interstellar?  Or perhaps you think of Roomba, the robot vacuum cleaner designed to keep your floors clean while you sleep. The word “robot” comes from the Czechoslovakian robota, meaning servitude.  Though it can be used as a catch-all term, robotics today is actually built out of three different fields: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. Even if people don’t know what that means or how they came together, robotics has become part of our everyday lives thanks to automation. Robots do things like change the bottles at Coke machines, delivery pizza to hungry customers without getting lost along the way and work with surgeons in hospitals during open heart surgeries.

Start small – how does your business differentiate itself? 

 Where do you fall on the robotics spectrum?  Whether you’re working on an early-stage startup or looking to modernize your current systems, robotics is a great way to add more automation and efficiency to your applications. If you want to implement robotic process automation (RPA) in your system, what do you need to know before diving in? What are some third-party integrations that will help with RPA? How can you visualize data for customers and improve decision-making in real time using robotics? And how can you use scenarios to enhance user experience and brand mastery?  First off: Know the process beforehand.

Do You Know How To Design Robotic Processes In Your Application?   

Start small by understanding the workflow of each task.    What is the task and how does it fit into the larger process?  What is required for this task to be completed successfully?  And what happens if something goes wrong at each point of the process?

By starting with a small subset of tasks, you can automate those processes without having to change too much about the bigger picture. Undoubtedly, there will be some kinks during execution. At Rangle, we recently started using our own product (Rangle AXIO) as part of an early adopter and pilot program that gave us insight into how we could use robotic process automation effectively in real-life scenarios. Through this study we looked for ways to improve efficiency and cut down on time. Our customers were able to save hours of tedious data entry by automating their manual processes and updating the system without human intervention. 

They did this using our utility automation platform, which allows users to automate tasks like:

  • Copy and paste collected data into a spreadsheet or database
  • Remove duplicate contacts from customer lists
  • Look up contact information for specific prospects based on industry
  • Update digital records such as CRM’s, CMS’s and other databases with pertinent client information 

Accessing these applications required multiple logins, different passwords and complex navigation through the companies’ systems. The process was so complicated that we spent more time trying to access the tools than we did working on them!  Using Rangle AXIO’s easy GUI interface made it possible to automate repetitive tasks and access tools with a simple, uniform login process.

How do you connect robotics to your other software? 

Start small by automating one system and connecting it to the rest of your data model.    

Is there an API available for this?  

If so, what are some practical ways in which you might use this interface? Whether you have built in-house integrations or third party connections, they should be set up according to an organizational standard. What works for one business may not work for another – every company has its own workflow and protocol that needs to be followed when sharing data between software applications. As more companies adopt robotic process automation technology, there are also cases where companies will have two different integrations leading to redundancies in the system. If this happens, you will want to centralize all connections in order to make your reporting more efficient and effective.


Robotic process automation is not hard to implement once you understand the workflow of your system and how each small puzzle piece relates. Integrating robotics into your other software is not a huge undertaking if you take each step at a time. It’s like solving a puzzle: the more you understand about your process, the easier it is to find the right pieces that will fit together.

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