“Cold effect” from Elon Musk on Twitter staff

"Cold effect" from Elon Musk on Twitter staff

Twitter employee Inc. Scheduled on Monday off, for “rest day” monthly company. But Elon Musk made it difficult not to think of work.

Musk, billionaire who revealed this month he would become the biggest individual Twitter shareholder, supported by plans to join the company’s board during the weekend. A few days earlier, the Chief Executive Officer Parag Agrawal had laid the foundation for friendship relationships by inviting musk to join the board. The company is very sure he will accept that it is registered music as a board member on the investor’s website. Mr. Agrawal also held a question and answer session with the Musk and employees this week.

For some employees, the reversal signaled chaos: Musk will continue to tweet from his criticism from Twitter to more than 80 million followers on the site, without the requirement to act the best interest of the company. T & J is canceled.

In the announcement on Sunday night, the decision to surprise the agrawal framed musk as good as Twitter, but warned “a disturbance in front.”

Whiplash is amazing, said the employee. The vibration between workers on Twitter is “super stress,” with employees “work together to help each other for a week,” Some said, asking for named to discuss the company’s internal details.

In the past few days, Musk has tweeted product ideas from eliminating advertising for members of the Twitter subscription service to reverse the San Francisco headquarters to the homeless shelter. Without a board seat, there is no restrictions on how many shares he can buy, or on the tweeting; One employee expressed concern that Musk was “just started, which was very unfortunate.” Many workers describe the situation as “SH-T show.”

Some Twitter staff have mixed feelings about my request session with Musk. Maybe it has clarified whether Musk has a plan to be friendly or hostile to its shares, but it can also raise more questions about how to react to their fate.

“The direct cold effect of Musk was something that bothered me significantly,” Rumman Chowdhury, a Director on the AI ​​Twitter research team, posted on social media sites.

Meanwhile, Musk fans on Twitter have navigated into critical products, followed their superiority. “Twitter has a beautiful culture of funny constructive criticism, and I see who fell silent because his accomplices attacked employees,” said Rumman Chowdhury.

Sudden liver changes from the chair above the board also sparked speculation about the game finally. By not joining the Board, Musk, which has more than 9% of the company, is no longer subject to a jammed agreement that will limit its shares to 14.9%.

“This decision by Elon is not a good sign for Twitter,” because he can increase his shares while posting things that are increasingly antagonistic about the platform, said Matt Navarra, a social media consultant. “Twitter thinks having Trump on the platform is difficult. Elon Musk will be a corporate nightmare.”

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