JPMorgan has given Cipla an ‘overweight’ rating with a target of Rs 1,210 per share. The company has not commented on the nature of 8 observations received from USFDA for Pithampur plant. The said plant is one of Cipla’s key manufacturing facilities, along with the Goa and Invagen plant in the US. Advair, one of […]
NSE to make replacement of stocks in 42 indices, removes Paytm from Nifty Next 50
The National Stock Exchange has announced replacement of stocks in total 42 indices including Nifty Next 50, Nifty 500, Nifty 100, Nifty 200, Midcap 150, Midcap 100, Smallcap 50, Smallcap 100 and Smallcap 250, on February 17. Among sectoral indices, the changes will also take place in Nifty Healthcare, Metal, Realty, and MidSmall Financial Services, […]
Elon Musk shuts Twitter India office, asks staff to work from home
After engaging in mass layoffs in 2022, Elon Musk is now shutting Twitter workplaces. As in step with reports, the Musk-led social media agency has close of its 3 workplaces in India and the personnel had been requested to paintings from home. Musk had formerly fired ninety in step with cent personnel of its more […]