Bharatpe vs Asheerer Grover: How does the cost of calling their family’s family work

Bharatpe vs Asheerer Grover: How does the cost of calling their family's family work

Once after Asheer Grover, one of the founders of Bharatpe who were besieged, submitted resignation, the problematic Fintech Council had fired him from all positions – no longer identified as the founder. This happened a few days after Asheerer’s wife Madhuri Jain Grover, who was the head of the company’s control was fired from its position.

The Board of Bharatpe has accused Grover and his family of “extensive abuse” of corporate funds – accusations that have conducted rounds since the media was used as a privy for the initial findings of the company’s company reviews. “The family of Grover and their relatives are involved in the abuse of broad corporate funds, including, but are not limited to, creating fake vendors through which they suck money from the company’s expenditure account,” said the statement.

In his reselting letter sent to the Corporate Board at midnight on March 1, an insured Grover accused the Bharatpe investor and the council cared for the founder as ‘founders’.

Grover, after resigning from the council, launched a spicy attack on everyone related to Bharatpe – Investor, lawyer and independent director.

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