The Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has demanded a CBI inquiry following a report that Amazon’s India lawyers bribed officials. The development comes after a Morning Context report stated that Amazon Inc had initiated an investigation into the conduct of its legal representatives in India. The investigation is being done following a whistleblower complaint […]
HDFC announces home loans at 6.7% as festive offer
Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC) on September 21 said it’ll offer home loans at 6.7 percent as a part of a festive offer, joining a bunch of mortgage lenders that have cut interest rates to perk up demand. Under this special offer, customers can avail HDFC home equity credit starting at 6.70 percent effective 20th September 2021, the bank said during a release. […]
Bruce Willis Net Worth 2021 – Car, Salary, Assets, Income, Bio
Bruce Willis Net Worth is $186 Million (£126m or 1319 Crore INR). Bruce Willis features a net worth which is estimated to be $186 million. He was born on a military base. he’s known for the role of John McClane within the movie “Die Hard” and its four sequels and he has appeared in over […]