Private lender Kotak Mahindra Bank on Monday announced that the bank has agreed to shop for around 9.98% stake in KFin Technologies Private Limited for a cash consideration of around ₹310 crore. Shares of Kotak Bank surged over 1% on the BSE in Monday’s early deals with its market capitalisation crossing ₹4 lakh crore. “Kotak […]
Ana de Armas Net Worth 2021: Bio, Career, Income
Ana de Armas Net Worth is around $4 million. Before we introduce you to other aspects of Ana de Armas’s life, allow us to inform you a stimulating fact associated with her. Ana has been a citizen of three different countries in her life. She was born in Cuba, so she was a citizen of […]
Bad Bank to solve Rs 2 lakh crore bad loans, take NPAs off banks’ books; here’s how it will work
The Bad Bank is finally here, after a decade of discourse. It aims to assist pack up banks’ books by taking up Rs 2 lakh crore bad loans. If it works as intended, Bad Bank may help cut system-wide bank NPAs (non-performing assets) by over 1%, and help recover a number of bad debts too, […]