The Most Commonly Used Password In India Is… No, Not “12345”

The Most Commonly Used Password In India Is... No, Not "12345"

Pandemic sees a big shift into the digital workspace and online class, but when it comes to cyber security, it looks like the country still has several ways to go. New research from Nordpass reveals that the most commonly used password in India is “Password”. This is despite repeated warnings from the police department and public institutions about choosing a powerful password that cannot be solved easily.
Global Password Manager NordPass analyzes passwords in 50 countries and the amount of time needed to solve each, according to 7 news.

Found in India, “Password” is the most commonly used password, followed by 12345, 123456, 123456789, 12345678, India123, 1234567890, 1234567, QWERTY and ABC123.

All of these passwords, with the exception of “India123”, can crack in less than one second, according to Nordpass. India123 is a password that will take 17 minutes to crack. Even though this time frame is only indicative, they still provide an overview of how safe passwords.

“It is important to understand that the password is a gateway for our digital life, and with us spending more time online, it becomes very important to take care of our Cybersecurity better,” said CEO Nordpass Jonas Karklys in a statement.

“Unfortunately, the password continues to be weaker, and people still do not maintain the right hygiene of the password,” he said.

Globally, the top numbers in the list of passwords commonly used by occupying the top three points. 123456, 123456789 and 12345 are the most common passwords in 50 countries analyzed, followed by QWERTY and password.

Password strength is the size of the effectiveness of the password against hacking and guesses. Mumbai police are one of the many police departments that have been repeatedly warned against weak passwords for online safety. Look at some of their posts that urge residents to choose a strong password:

Nordpass password lists are compiled in partnership with independent researchers who specialize in research incidence of cybersecurity. They evaluate the 4TB database for analysis.

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